Father Snort

Wow, That Got Out of Hand Quickly - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 23, Year A October 15, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston Isaiah 25:1-9 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Wow, That Got Out of Hand Quickly So this is everyone’s favorite parable. In a few sentences, Jesus’ parable of the wedding feast went from a king throwing a wedding feast for his son to the guests not wanting to come, killing the king’s servants, and the king utterly destroying their city and killing all of them. From “Hey guys, let’s have a party,” to total bloodbath in 4.3 seconds, the hearer of this story is left rather breathless, thinking, “Wow, that really got out of hand quickly.” We’re left stunned, and a bit scared as we hear this parable, and so we often try to clearly define what groups of people Jesus is talking about. Christians have long tried to define themselves as the riff raff collected from the streets who accepted the king’s invitation, and C