Beg To Differ

Daddy issues will kill us all



Bryan Schott and Mike Winder once again make you the smartest person in the room when you discuss politics.   Negative campaigning is taking over the GOP primary in Utah's 3rd Congressional District. How much of an effect will it have on next week's election?   Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are working out their collective daddy issues, but it could lead to the end of human civilization.    Mike points out how having Trump in the White House has boosted the economy, but Bryan tries to throw cold water over all of that.   We speak with Justin Anderson of U.S. Term Limits about their plans to push for an Article V Convention to institute term limits on Congress.   We're giving away copies of the CNN book about the 2016 election: "Unprecedented: The election that changed everything." Find out how you can win. (Click here to enter)   Plus, as always, the simultaneous game!