Beg To Differ

The whole state is on fire



This week, State Auditor John Dougall fills in for Rep. Mike Winder, who is on vacation.    Gordon Hayward spurned Utah for Boston. Lots of people think that will hurt Tanner Ainge's political campaign. We'll tell you why those people are wrong.   Speaking of Tanner Ainge, the Republican joins us this week to talk about his run for Congress. He says he would tackle entitlement reform as a representative and wants to curb excessive government spending.   Senator Orrin Hatch is raising money hand over fist. But does that mean he's going to run for another term in 2018 or is it part of building his post-politics legacy?   Utah is refusing to turn over some voter information to President Donald Trump's commission that is looking to root out voter fraud. We explain why that's a good thing.   Plus fireworks and medical marijuana in the simultaneous game.   Bryan Schott and John Dougall make you the smartest person in the room when it comes to politics.