Beg To Differ

Drinking From the Firehose



Mike and Bryan try to get a handle on a very busy week in order to make you the smartest person in the room when you talk politics. James Comey called President Trump a liar. The Gary Ott situation in Salt Lake County is heartbreaking, but both Republicans and Democrats might be playing political games behind the scenes.    A ballot initiative to boost school funding by raising taxes officially got underway this week. What are their prospects for success? There's also efforts afoot for possible ballot initiatives on redistricting, campaign finance reform, term limits and medical marijuana. Could Utah turn into California where governing is done by populist whim?   We continue our converstations with Republican candidates in Utah's 3rd Congressional District with former Rep. Chris Herrod and Rep. Brad Daw. Herrod says he agrees with President Trump's travel ban, while Daw is aiming to become the only software engineer elected to Congress.   Plus, we play the simultaneous game.