Lean Blog Interviews

Innovating Patient Safety: Mike Eisenberg Discusses Healthcare Technology and Trust



My guest for Episode #523 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Mike Eisenberg. He's been a filmmaker since 2010 with his production company, Tall Tale Productions, after completing his B.A. in Journalism at Marietta College in Ohio. Episode page with video, transcript, and more Mike’s father, Dr. John Eisenberg, was a leader in national patient safety efforts as the director of the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) until his passing in 2002. His legacy is prevalent throughout Mike’s presentation, as well as his approach. His new documentary, released last September, is titled “The Pitch: Patient Safety's Next Generation.”  He previously joined us in Episode #329, where we discussed his film "To Err is Human." In 2006, Mike was drafted by the Cleveland Indians in the MLB Draft and played 3 seasons of professional baseball before beginning his filmmaking career. He now speaks at hospitals, universities, and conferences, where his insight provides a new perspective on a problem that