Alan Wallace Shamatha Teachings Fall 2010

Session 34: Empathetic Joy (Mudita) and Attending to Virtue



The third Immeasurable attends to actuality; it is not an aspiration like the first two: Loving-Kindness and Compassion. Empathetic Joy is rejoicing in the well-being of others. Isn’t that extraordinary…? Choosing to feel right! First, you sweep through your life and reflect on the kindness you received. You rejoice in their virtue. You delight in what brings meaning to life. Then you can raise the question how can I repay the kindness that I have received from the world? Then you can think of using your abilities, or ask the question and let the creativity of your substrate consciousness emerge, or try deep form your Buddha Nature. Alan then answers questions related to the Shamata Project and practical issues like how to deal with your eyes during meditation.