Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Senator's Orrin Hatch and Richard Burr are taking a second look at Donald Trump. Why are the establishment Republicans considering him electable over Ted Cruz? The establishment is now showing its true colors by attacking Cruz and showing support for Trump. Americans should realize that this is Nixon versus Reagan. Those who say politics is about doing whatever needs to be done to get elected are the Nixon crowd. Reagan rejected this view point and used his belief system to persuade people. Trump and other candidates would do well to borrow from Reagan's conservative beliefs and principles instead of just using his lines. Also, not a single thing President Obama has done shows that he supports the private sector. He is out to milk and manipulate the free market. Walmart has to close stores because of Obama's policies and more families will suffer. Later, If Trump can talk about Ted Cruz's loans, why not ask him about his past donations to Sen. Harry Reid, previous support of amnesty or support of Syrian refug