Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Sen. Ted Cruz was not trashing everyday New Yorkers when he talked about New York values. He was referring to leftist values such as gay marriage and pro-abortion that the likes of Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo support. Also, just because someone criticizes New York values doesn't mean they are trashing 9/11 responders. That argument from Donald Trump is totally irrelevant. In addition, Chris Christie is trying to run away from his record. He claims that he did not support Justice Sotomayor for Supreme Court nomination and that he didn't support common core; these are both lies. Later, the Supreme Court will never hear a birther case related to Ted Cruz's citizenship. People tried suing President Obama over this in 2008 and the cases were all dismissed because they had no standing. Law professors like Laurence Tribe commenting on this have no idea what they are talking about. Conservatives need to realize who is manipulating them and stay focused on the goal. Finally, Dan Bongino calls in to disc