Escape! - Blake Sawyer And How To Survive The Collapse

Just ONE Question: Do You Really Want To Spend The Rest Of Your Life In Prison



Did you know that you are most likely committing a felony or two every day, or at least every week? Did you know that convicted felons lose much of their freedom? They can’t vote ever again. They can’t own a gun. They have to register with the Sheriff of the county in which they live. Sounds like a lot of  fun doesn’t it? And that doesn’t include the peripherals. Your reputation. Your chance at getting a good job. A bank loan. And for someone wanting to expatriate to another country, IMPOSSIBLE! NO country in the world (that is remotely worth living in) will accept the immigration of a convicted felon from the United States. Think about it. Then listen to today’s show and do something about it. Host Blake Sawyer guides you through the process to protect yourself from being enslaved in a prison for the rest of your life.