San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

January 7, 2018 - "Carpe Diem Mañana" Rev. Art Severance



Carpe Diem sounds fine for the Type A personality, the minister or corporate giant as CEO, and him or her of the clean desk. But for us, deep down here in the heart of Texas, should we choose mañana and the desk of the creative mind as we look toward 2018? Rev. Art Severance, formerly minister of First UU Church in San Antonio, has also served UU congregations in Kirkland, OH, Boulder, CO; Stockton, CA; and Amherst, NY. After his recent retirement, he and his wife moved back to San Antonio to be near their three daughters and grandchildren who live there and in Austin. Art is also a gifted singer/songwriter and will provide the music, as well as preaching, for this service.