Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Man Takes Dictation For Spirit Guides Revealing Extraordinary Truth!



I'm super excited to welcome my good friend and award-winning author, Paul Selig, to the studio to discuss his newest book, The Book of Truth. Paul talks about being a conscious channel, the methods in which his guides dictate to him and, as a special treat, you'll actually get to witness Paul Selig channeling his guides live and the wisdom that comes through—just for us. In our broad-ranging conversation, Paul Selig and I talk about overcoming fear, learning to realize that we are divinity in form, what truth really is, as well as claiming what you want, and how all this relates to both our individual lives and the entire world. Paul also discusses some of the lessons his guides share including a great one about forgiveness, a discussion about universal truths vs subjective truths and, finally, Paul and his guides answer the questions YOU, the Afterlife TV audience, submitted via our Facebook page. Paul's down-to-earth manner and sense of humor shine through and you definitely don't want to miss this specia