Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Are Mediums Just Mind Readers? Afterlife TV Bite-Sized Episode



Bite-Sized (15 minutes): Melissa is back in the studio to help me answer a very common question from one of our viewers. Bill recently lost a friend and wants to know whether mediums are really in touch with our loved ones or are they just reading our minds. Melissa and I answer that question by discussing our own experiences with mediums along with some clues to help you decide if what's being said is coming from your loved one. We also share some tips about how to get the most out of your reading. Let us know what you thought of this latest episode and feel free to share with us your own experiences with mediums. If you’ve read my new book The Magic Mala, I'd love to read your review on Amazon (link below). As always, all photos on video are courtesy of my wife, Melissa. Until next time! Bob Olson - SHOW NOTES: BOB'S NEW BOOK: The Magic Mala: A Story That Changes Lives BEST PSYCHIC DIRECTORY (sponsor): BOB'S OTHER BOOK Answer