Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Continuation of Life in the Afterlife! Afterlife TV Bite-Sized Episode



In today's bite-sized Afterlife TV episode, I discuss the continuation of life while in the afterlife. Basically, I’m talking about the life we continue to have on the other side (in the spirit world). This will help you understand what your deceased loves ones are experiencing now AND ALSO what you will experience when it’s your turn to go home. It might even change the way you live if you understand it properly. In the first half, I’m talking about people in spirit recognizing the ripple effect of their life. This is where they get to experience how their thoughts, words and actions affected every person in their lifetime. It shows them how their life created a ripple effect that affected others, not only at that moment but in the future too. What I'd also like for you to take away from this episode is that if you're grieving someone who has passed, your relationship with them isn't over because they died. You can still communicate with them and have a new relationship with them. And I discuss how they no