Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Empaths, Channelers, Spirit Reunions & Dream Visitations on Afterlife TV



"A change is in the wind! I'm very pleased and proud to announce some exciting new changes to Afterlife TV! It's February 2016 and this is a Brand New Episode... "While we still utilize video with a cool twist, Afterlife TV will now be presented in audio only with lots of new topics and features! I'll be answering questions from you, the audience, and this week I'm answering the questions 'Who will greet me in the spirit world when I die?' and 'How do I know that I really had a dream visitation?' "We'll begin with a discussion on why change is good for growth and a reminder on how the Universe responds to what we focus upon. I'll also be presenting Paul Selig's new book, The Book of Mastery, an audience member's out-of-body experience, and talking about my experiences at a channeling workshop and getting an empathic reading. "This new format will rely more on my audience, so listen for info on how to ask me an afterlife-related question or share your stories with us. I hope you enjoy this new format and I loo