Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The 12 Signs That Spirits Send Us – After-Death Communication



BILL GUGGENHEIM: "Are your deceased loved ones trying to tell you something? Here's an early Afterlife TV episode that could awaken you to the signs your loved ones in spirit are sending you. Our loved ones in spirit communicate with us in many ways, and Bill Guggenheim teaches us the 12 most common categories of after death communications (ADCs) in this video conversation. "Bill is the co-author of Hello From Heaven with his former wife, Judy Guggenheim. Together they interviewed 2000 people and collected more than 3300 first-hand accounts of ADCs. In this conversation, Bill defines after-death communications, shares his incredible story of how he was led to do this research, and teaches us how to recognize when our deceased loved ones are contacting us." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV The co-author of Hello From Heaven, Bill Guggenheim, explains the 12 most common types of after-death communications (ADCs).  ................................................................... To Purchase Bill & Judy Guggenheim