Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Signs From Spirit: How Our Loved Ones In Spirit Tell Us They’re Around with Dave Kane



DAVE KANE: "In 2003, a fire erupted in a Rhode Island nightclub called The Station claiming 100 lives. The youngest victim was an 18-year-old actor, writer and musician named Nicholas O'Neill, known as Nicky. Following Nicky's tragic passing, a string of messages, signs and signals from the other side began flowing into the lives of those who loved and survived him. Subsequently, a documentary and book have been made to tell his story. "This interview with Nicky's father, Dave Kane, is a discussion of those miracles that brought hope and light into the hearts of the grieving. I present this episode for two reasons: One, for those of you who have lost loved ones but have not yet recognized any signs from spirit, and Two, for those of you who share extraordinary stories like this one. For the latter, hearing another's story can help you to feel the confirmation that such signs of the afterlife are real, and they allow you to share the comfort that these messages from spirit provide the grieving." ~ Bob Olson,