Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Creating Soul Level Changes for Lasting Growth – Danielle MacKinnon



DANIELLE MACKINNON: "So many of us feel like there's some obstacle between us and the changes that we seek, an obstacle that is blocking us from our goals and desires. I'm not talking about an obvious obstacle. I'm talking about something hidden--likely subconscious--that is so subtle it goes unidentified for years. "Yet if I've discovered anything from my research of the unseen (the afterlife, spirits, auras), it's that there IS a way to recognize the seemingly hidden. And from my experience, identifying such matters (and bringing them to our conscious mind) is a giant step toward eliminating them at the root level. My guest today refers to this root level as the 'soul level.' And that is the topic of discussion in this video conversation with intuitive and soul contract expert Danielle Mackinnon who shares with us her brilliant method for helping people make lasting changes and growth successfully." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Danielle Mackinnon shares her methods for identifying the root cause of what's bl