Extraordinarily Expert

Extraordinarily Expert Season 3, Episode 2: Myth 2 - Excuses. I have to put everything on hold until (_______). (Key Lesson: Stop Making Excuses To Avoid Taking Action.)



Season 1: 15 intimate interviews. 15 incredibly unique perspectives. 15 real stories about failure, success and what it takes to build a business, they love, their way.

Season 2: My answer to 9 very common questions that will inevitably come up as you navigate the different phases of your online business journey.

Season 3: 9 super popular myths holding you back from shifting your mindset so you can rock out a unique to use signature program and start living your own celebrity life.

We cover topics like: taking action, productivity, lifestyle, strategy, mindset and more. Learn more about Maya at: www.mayagaddie.com