Father Snort

God Is In the Grind - Audio



Brad Sullivan Last Sunday after the Epiphany February 11, 2018 Emmanuel, Houston 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 God Is In the Grind Have you ever been outside walking around and then looked up and been startled, scared even, by a hideous, almost other worldly beast staring at you with hungry eyes, vicious teeth, and razor sharp claws, only to have your eyes refocus and realize you were in fact looking at a tree branch? The tree branch didn’t change, only how your eyes saw the tree branch changed. I wonder if that isn’t something like what happened to Peter and James and John with the transfiguration. Rather than Jesus changing before their eyes, perhaps what changed was their eyes’ ability to see for a few minutes something they had not previously been able to see: the radiance and majesty of the light of Jesus. Perhaps even, Moses and Elijah had been there previously as well, unseen and unheard by Peter, and James, and John, until God