Father Snort

Jesus Wants Us to be Joyful...not Fearful, Lonely, Right, or Isolated - Audio



Brad Sullivan 6 Easter, Year B May 6, 2018 Emmanuel, Houston John 15:9-17 Jesus wants us to be joyful…not fearful, lonely, right, or isolated. Abide in my love, Jesus said, so that my joy may be in your and your joy may be complete. Jesus had all sorts of emotions, just like every other human. Anger, frustration, contempt. Think about how Jesus was with the scribes, the Pharisees, the money changers, his own disciples at times. Jesus was powerful in the extreme, and those emotions and ways of being, anger, frustration, contempt are powerful as well. They were a part of Jesus and they gave him a nudge to start acting or doing things every now and then, and yet rather than choose to act and live out of those powerful emotions, he chose to live in the powerful weakness of love. The powerful weakness of love is so much more powerful than anger. Love is so much more powerful than frustration. Love is so much more powerful than contempt…and