Father Snort

Trinityish Type Stuff: A.K.A. Restoring God's Shalm - Audio



Brad Sullivan Trinity Sunday, Year B May 27, 2018 Emmanuel, Houston Isaiah 6:1-8 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 Trinityish Type Stuff: a.k.a. Restoring God's Shalom Without doubt and without fear, May you find some comfort here, May there be hope to help you cope When what you need Is nowhere near Make your mark unto these years, Shape your world with salt and tears, Carry on when your will has gone, Be it joy or sorrow Given time, given faith, Given courage to embrace Changes as they each take place, Be it joy or sorrow - Terri Hendrix, Joy or Sorrow That’s from a song called Joy or Sorrow by Texas singer/songwriter, Terri Hendrix. That song made me think of the life of Jesus, following the wind of the Holy Spirit. In good times and in bad, in joy or sorrow, Jesus had a profoundly beautiful life, being led by the wind, the Spirit of God. Jesus was ful