Kevin Whitsitt

The 5 Laws to Making Money...



Click on the link below to discover tools and special methods that can easily double your affiliate sales. Today, many people associate being successful with being rich right? Well, I”m almost done reading this book called the richest man in Babylon and it's a great read. There are many great lessons in the book and the rich guy outlines 5 laws that he thinks is very important. The first law, what do you think it is? You need it to not be in debt. The first law is gold will gladly and increase in quantity to any man who will put by not less than 1/10th of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family. This means dont' live paycheck to paycheck. One of the lessons in the very beginning of the book is the first lesson the rich guy said was I realized I could become rich when part of what I earned was mine to keep. Makes sense right? The problem is we all have desires. You have to pass on things you want now, so you can have more