San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

 July 8, 2018 "Interdependence Day: Patriotism for Religious Liberals" Steve Brooks



For many, July 4 is a day for brass bands and bombs symbolically bursting in air. For others, grown up in the shadows from Vietnam to Iraq, it’s hard to embrace a rah-rah patriotism. What’s a patriotism for religious liberals, which holds America to her dreams without looking away from her nightmares? When religious and political fundamentalisms try to hijack America’s symbols, from Old Glory to the Constitution, how do we recapture the flag? Steve Brooks, professional singer/songwriter and charter member of Austin’s Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church, who has been described as a “poet, protester, songwriter, activist, political satirist, and humorist”, brings his special blend of music and storytelling to SMUUF. A favorite in Austin folk clubs, at the Kerrville Folk Festival, and in UU pulpits, Steve preaches that we can change the world when we look at it from a different perspective, or as he poetically puts it - “A single new star rearranges a whole constellation.”