Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to view the top skill to have to make money online! Hello, today I want to define apathetic and talk about how to eliminate it. Apathetic is when someone shows or feels no interest, enthusiasm or concern. You could say that person has lost hope. It's the classic case of a burnout at a job. The first thing that comes to mind is Joe Vs The Valcano movie with Tom Hanks. Where Tom works a lousy job, is miserable and someone comes with a proposition to save a village by throwing himself into a volcano. It's like Tom has finally been given meaning to his life. You can see that on this journey he becomes apathetic. This is another reason why having pets, plants or family increase someone's happiness, enthusiasm for life because they are thinking about something other than themselves. You have a reason to be alive. I recently read a book called the “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.” it was a very interesting book and somewhat depre