Kevin Whitsitt

Scarcity Psychology and Using It in Online Sales



Click on the link below to view the number 1 skill to know in internet marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about scarcity psychology and using it with online sales and digital marketing. I want to start by asking you a question. Imagine your sleeping and the phone rings and it's me. The reason for my call is to let you know about a tip that can make you $1,000 dollars. How are you going to act? Most likely you are not going to be happy. Now I want you to imagine your sleeping and the phone rings and I'm calling you to let you know about a tip that prevent you from losing $1,000 dollars. How are you going to act? Mostly likely you would prefer to not lose money. We as humans are lazy and not very motivated. What we hate is losing stuff right? This is why scarcity works so well. I used to work in the car business selling cars and I was stuck selling the new cars, while the veterans sold the used cars where there is more markup and they make more money. Wi