Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about how to make money with music online. I've always loved music and playing music. The problem is I've never truly got into it because well it just doesn't spit out money and I never thought it would for me. Do you ever think about that? I love doing this, but I don't see how I can make money from it, so I got bills to pay and I'm not going to do it. Throughout history, maybe 1 percent of all musicians, singers, and songwriters ever made it big. Most professional musicians worked their whole lives making the best living they could doing what they loved, while supplementing their income doing work that they did not love. The cool thing about the Internet is that it actually opens up more doors for musicians to make money. The New York Times wrote an article titled “The Creative Apocalypse” you can google it when you have time but it says that ther