Holding It(,) Together

Malinda Elizabeth Berry



In three Women Doing Theology shorts, we're introducing our main-stage presenters at the upcoming #WDT18 conference in November. Our theme is Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Dialogue Practice and the work of Liberation. At the conference we'll get to know our presenters' thoughts and ideas, but we wanted to offer an opportunity to get to know them on a human level. In this episode, we meet Malinda. Find out more info about #WDT18 at www.MennoniteUSA.org/wdt18 . Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by Maria Pien (https://freemusicarchive.org/search/?quicksearch=Maria+Pien) Special Guest: Malinda Elizabeth Berry.