Library Figures

02: The strategy that drove over 2,000 patrons to 1 library event



Kimberly Crowder serves as the Marketing Director for the Indianapolis Public Library. She has more than 13 years of experience and has served in a variety of roles during that time — everything from public relations to journalism. Today, Kimberly and I sit down to talk about her marketing strategies and how she brought awareness (and attendance!) to the new center of Black Literature and Culture at the Indianapolis Public Library. See the full episode with transcripts and visuals at: Key Takeaways: Who is Kimberly and what does she do for the Indianapolis Public Library? Kimberly shares what projects she and her team have been working on. The Indianapolis Public Library had a grand opening for their center of Black Literature and Culture. It was run as a campaign and they doubled their goal for attendees. How did Kimberly determine the target audience for this event? Are you struggling with your library’s current website? We have a webinar to help you through t