Library Figures

04: The strategy your library needs to improve email engagement



I’m so excited to invite Angela Hursh back onto the show to discuss email marketing. If you didn’t know, Angela is the Content Team Leader for the Marketing Department at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. She is doing some interesting things with Orange Boy to keep her card holders engaged and aware of new book releases. Find out more about what she’s up to on this week’s episode! See the full episode with transcripts and visuals at:   Key Takeaways: Angela shares how she keeps her cardholders engaged and aware of new content coming into the library. Before using Orange Boy, Angela was using MailChimp, but she explains why MailChimp wasn’t the best fit for them. Why do people typically sign up for a library card? How does Angela track her open and click rates? Angela shares an example of what a typical email marketing campaign might look like. What kinds of trends has Angela noticed so far? Angela plans to do some experimentin