Escape! - Blake Sawyer And How To Survive The Collapse

Are You On THE List? - Hour 1



"A living nightmare." "More frightening than The Exorcist." "Scarier than a Halloween House of Horrors." "1984 on steroids." "Worse than anyone could have ever imagined."  These are a few of the statements being made about the US government's surveillance apparatus and especially "Main Core", the data base of 8 million Americans the the US government has complied on the citizens they consider to be a "threat to national security". Commonly called the "red list" crowd, targeted first to be sent to the detention camps, and then on for extermination. Host Blake Sawyer discusses the government's nefarious Orwellian system to control every man, woman, and child in the US, and what you can do to avoid it, survive it, and live to tell about it.