Leadership Stuff

Straight Talk With A Seminary Prof - Dr. John DelHousaye



I am honored to have with me Dr. John DelHousaye.  He is a professor at Phoenix Seminary, and an author and contributing author of several books and theological journals. Dr. John is an elder at Redemption Church Alhambra in Phoenix, Arizona.  He is a husband and the father of three great kids. Most of all, I am blessed to call  John my friend. He has touched my life in a significant way, and his teaching has deeply impacted me. I know that you will be blessed and encouraged by what he has to share. Sponsorship: LCMI and Journey Coffee have partnered together to plant churches around the globe. Find out how you too can be a part of this exciting new relationship, and at the same time enjoy a great cup of coffee. Together we can do more! Click on the following link to find out more: www.lcminetwork.com or Journey Coffee.