Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Defeat Danger With This Special Forces Survival Expert



Danger can hit you at home, in your car or when you’re on your own just going about your daily life. Today’s guest Jeff Kirkham served almost 29 years as a Green Beret doing multiple classified details for the US government.  Jeff has had more training and real life experience in survival and or tactical situations than just about anyone. He is also a trailblazing inventor creating ReadyMan survival tools to give folks an edge in survival and more. He is a helluva storyteller and his ice breaker stories are utterly unmissable. He takes you right with him into the war zone and you'll find yourself laughing at times and also struck speechless at the remarkable courage, selflessness and heroism in one story. In the second half of the show, Allison asks Jeff to hook you up with some ultimate insider techniques and tips to arm you up to survive anything thrown your way. Do you know the 5 things you absolutely should have in your car? How about the 3 things you should always carry on your person? I