Pundit Review Radio

Saying goodbye to WRKO



After 374 Sunday’s, this was our final show on WRKO. It has been a great experience. I had many people to thank, starting with Gregg Jackson who pushed me into this crazy idea in the summer of 2004. There are lots of folks at WRKO to thank, from Todd Feinburg to Howie Carr to the great roster of producers, Sandy, Bernie, Producer Rob, Dan the Man, Ed, Horseshack. I don’t have a bad thing to say about WRKO. They gave me a great platform to do what I wanted for 374 weekends, so you won’t hear me complaining or saying they owe me week 375. In fact, I owe them. I very much appreciated what Cooksie did for me, giving me a final show to say goodbye to a loyal group of listeners. That doesn’t always happen in radio, as I’ve seen firsthand, so I very much apprecated that. Thank you to everyone who listened to, supported and contributed to the show. Producer Rob is just one of many people I’ve met from doing the show who will remain friends long into the future. Boston Maggie, Stephanie Davis, Garret Quinn and so