Pundit Review Radio

Frank Warren, founder of Post Secret



Hard for me to put into a few words how thrilled I was to welcome Frank Warren to Pundit Review Radio. Frank Warren is the man behind PostSecret.com. So what is Post Secret? PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. PostSecret 13345 Copper Ridge Road Germantown, MD 20874, USA A very simple idea that has led to some pretty amazing, moving and inspirational things. It has launched a massive community, the kind most social media companies can only dream about. In fact, Post Secret is the most trafficked advertising free website in the world. There are public events, books and now, even a play. I’m happy to report that Frank was as cool, gracious and charming as he comes across in the video. It really was an honor for me to have nearly thirty minutes to talk with Frank about this amazing project. I read the site every Sunday, and five minutes on it can stay with me an entire week. I highly recommend you check out Post Secret.