Pundit Review Radio

Legal Insurrection's William Jacobson



Anytime I can welcome Professor William Jacobson to Pundit Review Radio I feel as though we are delivering on the premise that launched this radio show nearly eight years ago, and that is to bring the best of the blogs to the radio. In addition to his work at Cornell law school, Professor Jacobson runs Legal Insurrection , a daily must read blog for me. I invited Professor Jacobson to talk about a pretty amazing week for his blog. He wrote a post so compelling that it was the subject of Rush Limbaugh’s first ever tweet. We discussed the Limbaugh boycott at some length and then I took the opportunity to ask about an Executive Order Obama signed on Friday. Some people are going nuts online claiming some massive power grab, tyranny, etc and so on. Finally, we asked for his thoughts on SCOTUS taking up Obamacare, is there hope that they can put that monstrosity out of its misery for us? The Pundit Review Radio Podcast RSS feed can be found here and you can find us on iTunes at Pundit Review Radio. What is Pund