Pundit Review Radio

Rep. Dan Winslow on lack of basic reform on Beacon Hill



Rep. Dan Winslow brings a ton of great experience to Beacon Hill, including 15 years involvement in local government, he served as a Judge at the Wrentham District Court and as chief legal council to Gov. Romney. He has hit the ground running on Beacon Hill, looking for people of good faith to reform our broken state government. How broke is it? Here’s the Globe on Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, and the broader @MassDems patronage problems, But the larger system of alliance-building through state and municipal government, greased along by dubious fundraising and the awarding of patronage jobs, is a deeper threat to Massachusetts. Murray has rejected McLaughlin, but he and other elected officials need to be far more forthright in declaring that the system of rewarding political supporters with jobs is morally wrong, unfair to other applicants, and damaging to the credibility of the state government. It simply shouldn’t happen. Among the most basic, commonsense reforms Rep. Winslow is pushing is Rule28.com. Called an e