Pundit Review Radio

The job market for returning vets



What can say you do but say thank you and show admiration for anyone who has joined the armed forces since 9/11. I am always especially astounded when students from our finest universities and colleges join. I will always remember meeting a Purdue graduate at Walter Reed. Tonight it was my honor to welcome to the WRKO studios Sam Bowlby, a 2004 graduate of one of America’s finest schools, Hamilton College. He didn’t choose Wall Street or law school after graduating but the United States Marines. Sam did two tours in Iraq, including one in Fallujah, and returned home and earned an MBA from Babson. He is currently working as a contractor for Google, one of the most desirable employers in the country. Sam is looking for permanent employment and like many people is finding it quite challenging, despite his well rounded background and experience. The unemployment rate for veterans is double the national average, which is itself extraordinarily high. We were also honored to welcome Major Liza Tomko, the New Englan