Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover the number 1 tip to making money online! Hello, today I want to talk about price negotiation meaning and give you 4 ideas to getting more in your life.  Before I begin down below is a link and if you click on it you will discover what I honestly believe is the number 1 tip to making money online. What do you think that is and do you agree with it? Lately, I have not been making videos or creating content because I've been doing other projects one of them being buying and selling internet domains, which is why I've been studying negotiation.  Everything in life is negotiation and price negotiation your trying to get the best price you can.  One of the best ways to get the most money from something is related sales. According to the book “Never Split the Difference” if you give someone a range they usually pick the bottom number.   With domains for example I'll give people a range of similar domains that have sold and I'l