Leadership Stuff

How to Handle the Sudden Experiences In Our Lives and Ministries



In this first episode of season 2, Bishop Tim Dailey looks at Mark 4:35-41 and draws some practical lessons from a sudden storm that catches Christ's disciples completely off guard.  We learn from this study how God is never surprised by our sudden storms, and that He is truly a Sovereign God that we can trust in all of life's circumstances, challenges, and devastating experiences that we seek to negotiate our way through in these days. There is great encouragement in this episode for all leaders. Don't lose heart! Do not fear! Take courage! God is with you, and He is still on the throne. When the "sudden" invades our lives, the Sovereign Savior is wanting us to look at Him.  Sudden storms serve to turn us to Jesus. We can be so caught up in everything else in life that God is pushed aside. This doesn't happen quickly, but gradually the joy of knowing and serving Him evaporates. Then suddenly the storm hits! Before the storm, we had forgotten what God looks like, and now in the storm we turn to see