Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover the number 1 tip to making money online. What do you think it is? Do you agree with it? Hey, today I'm going to be talking about a list of offline marketing activities for affiliate marketing. Like you I try to have an open mind and I'm always looking at new ways to get business and think outside the box.  I'm a big fan of this book called “Blue Ocean Strategy.” Basically, red ocean has lots of competition and blue ocean is when there is not much competition.  Affiliate marketing is when you post a link and if someone clicks on that link and goes to a webpage and buys something, then you are going to get paid.  What if there was a way to get business offline, and not even spend a lot of money doing it? I've come up with a short list of ideas that may help you. The first thing you need is a domain name that hopefully passes the radio test. This means if you say the domain you can type it into your browser and go to your webs