Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover the number 1 tip to making money online. What do you think it is? Do you agree with it? Hello, today I want to talk about how affiliate marketing works step by step with a cool trick that I feel can help you.  Before I begin down below is a link and if you click on it you will discover the number 1 tip to making money online with affiliate marketing.  In the most simplest terms affiliate marketing is when post a link and if someone clicks on that link and goes to a webpage and buys something you are going to get paid. Now there are a few other steps in this process and I want to break it down.  A huge tip when it comes to marketing anything is pains and frustrations. If you are selling water in the desert and you see someone dying of thirst then there is a really good chance they want what you have.  You first find the pain and frustration and you eliminate it with your product. There are many niches that you can go in