Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

LJ Morning Sparkle Life Improvements Show #14 Nehemiah



Good Morning Diamonds, Today on The Book of Nehemiah I'm going to talk about people using people within our own communities and cities.  We have users and Folks that feed on us within our own nationalities.  And how they did the same thing during the days of Nehemiah. Nehemiah has his work cut out for him and so does some of us within our communities, family, and relationships. But through prayer, Nehemiah made it through and through prayer, we can make it through too.  I'm also going to talk about plots, people that plot against us to keep us down,  those that want to keep you in that broken state. But the devil is a liar because that's not what God intended for us that is not His master plan. There are people that use the church and its congregation as plots to go up against us and they will use friends, family, and relationship to assist them in this dastardly deed. If you're not understanding anything that I'm saying check me out Wednesday morning as I continue with the Book of Nehemiah” and the completi