Romans (2010)

83 - The Key to the Spiritual Life: The Holy Spirit [b]



We understand that walking by means of the Spirit is not an experience or methodology. It is knowing the eternal reality that you are entirely different and operating from a radical new identity. Our world is not gray. It’s black or white, God’s way or man’s way, and because of our new identity in Christ, we have the power to make choices for a Spirit-filled life that are finely honed with time and application of the Word. The condemnation we escape through our choice of being filled by the Holy Spirit is the punishment in time caused by walking according to the flesh. The problem doesn’t morph with the culture. It remains the Sin Nature, not self esteem, addiction or emotional disorders. Paul’s contrasts are between flesh and spirit, life and death. Our tool to overcome a carnal death in time and achieve life and joy in all circumstances is the Holy Spirit.