Make Life Rich

When You Can't Do It ALL By Yourself



Can you believe we're here with our final episode of season 1? In today's episode, we talk about every new entrepreneur's dilemma - the stress of wearing all the hats in your biz. When you're the creative director, the accountant, the assistant, the logistics coordinator, the janitor (ha!), it can lead to overwhelm and burnout. So what's the solution? Listen in.   In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich.