Make Life Rich



What's the point of having a booming biz if you're burnt out trying to get there? In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich.


  • When You Can't Do It ALL By Yourself

    31/12/2018 Duración: 45min

    Can you believe we're here with our final episode of season 1? In today's episode, we talk about every new entrepreneur's dilemma - the stress of wearing all the hats in your biz. When you're the creative director, the accountant, the assistant, the logistics coordinator, the janitor (ha!), it can lead to overwhelm and burnout. So what's the solution? Listen in.   In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich. 

  • Lovers & Friends

    17/12/2018 Duración: 38min

    Don't get so focused on building a business that you forget to build a life! In this week's episode, we're talking about how to nurture our relationships with loved ones in the busy season.  In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich. Show notes:  From our Win of the Week - Tara's in love with Instacart! Get $10 off your first order if you'd like to try it out: The latest issue of BABE magazine is about to debut in January. Get your subscription so you don't miss out on the LEVEL UP issue!

  • You're Not A Fraud, Sis [Imposter Syndrome Explained]

    10/12/2018 Duración: 23min

    You know that little voice that pops up and says that maaaaaybe you don't quite know what you're doing? That's Imposter Syndrome and we're tackling the best ways to shut it up in this week's episode.  In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich. Show notes:  5 Types of Imposter Syndrome Books mentioned: Playing Big by Tara Mohr and The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer From the Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It by Valerie Young

  • Let's Talk Therapy

    03/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    We want you to know: you're not in this alone! In this episode, we're discussing the mental health challenges faced by entrepreneurs, when to know it's time to see a therapist and some good resources when you're looking for help.  In "Make Life Rich," your co-hosts Tara Jefferson and Da'Shika Street help you turn your grind into flow, and your hustle into ease. Tara is the founder of the Self-Care Suite, a multicultural community dedicated to easy living and Da'Shika is the publisher of B.A.B.E. magazine, a quarterly publication for black and brilliant female entrepreneurs. Together, they know all about the difficulties of balancing work + biz, and this podcast is dedicated to the journey. Their motto? Make life rich. Show notes:  Forbes article: Are entrepreneurs more likely to suffer from mental illness than other professions?  Talkspace Therapy For Black Girls Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7, confidential text message service for people in crisis. Text HOME to 741741 in the United States.

  • The Fitness Episode

    26/11/2018 Duración: 20min

    When all you do is work, work, work, work, work, work (*Rihanna voice*), your health tends to suffer! In this episode, we're talking about how to change your mindset around making your health a priority. Health is wealth, too.  Show notes:  Tara's favorite tea companies - Ivy's Tea Co., Plum Deluxe and My Tea Drops

  • No Money, Mo Problems

    18/11/2018 Duración: 45min

    When money trickles in, stress goes up! In this episode, we're sharing how we made it through early + broke days with less stress.  Show notes:  Tara talks about the new love of her life, this weighted blanket.  Join Tara in her self-care community at the Self-Care Suite + get more business tips and advice with Da'Shika at BABE magazine.  Use the hashtag #MakeLifeRich on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to join the weekly conversation!

  • Creating Biz Boundaries

    11/11/2018 Duración: 35min

    What boundaries have you set to make your business life feel more easeful? In this episode, hear from Tara + Dashika on how they've set boundaries to keep their business from running amok all over their personal lives.  Join Tara's self-care community for wellness tips ( + get more business tips and advice with Da'Shika at BABE magazine ( Use the #MakeLifeRich hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to join the conversatio

  • #1: Burnt Out No More

    26/10/2018 Duración: 15min

    In this premiere episode of the Make Life Rich podcast, hosts Tara Pringle Jefferson and Da'Shika Street share the journey from their stressed-out beginnings in entrepreneurship and how they knew it was time to pivot to a business built for ease. Join Tara in her self-care community at + get more business tips and advice with Da'Shika at