Cable Street

#17 - Queer Eye for the Alt-Right Guy with Laurie Penny



What does the show Queer Eye have to do with the far-right? Quite alot. In this episode of Cable Street I chat with writer and activist Laurie Penny abotu her article The Queer Art of Failing Better. We discuss populism and the far-right as a gendered issue, whether the message of Queer Eye offers a path forward for dealing with the far-right, and the dangers of people like Jordan Peterson. Every episode includes a members-only analysis that explores each podcast topic. In this week’s analysis, we analyze why men are more likely to join the far-right, and the broader gender divide in today’s politics. To become a member, visit to learn more and use the code “CableStreet” to get your first month for only $1. Subscribe to Family Compact The Cable’s new show covering Canadian politics. Show Notes The Queer Art of Failing Better Peterson’s Complaint Books by Laurie Penny Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette - link to Netflix