Monday Morning Mojo

It's The Experience



In today’s episode, we evaluate our practice from the client’s perspective. What does the prospect see? What opinions do they form? When a client chooses your firm, do they feel confident that they’ve made the right decision? When one studies highly successful companies such as Disneyworld, Starbucks or Four Seasons, he or she finds that they have differentiated themselves from their competition through a process of defining what a superior experience for their customers looks like. This morning, we share three important questions that will challenge you to identify the rocks or pillars of your own unique client experience; and then, when those rocks are established and implemented, you will inevitably capitalize on a strengthened brand, heightened client experience, and an increased business value. Resources  Please send comments, questions, and feedback to Kirby Smart, University of Georgia Football Coach, statement following 9/30/17 game: