Monday Morning Mojo

First Friday Feedback: October 2017



Today, Cannon Financial Institute is excited to announce the launch of First Friday Feedback, a sister podcast to Monday Morning Mojo and the Cannon Curve. In this series, our host, Phil Buchanan, will be addressing questions specifically proposed by you, our listeners. Our aim is to focus on the issues and circumstances relevant to our audience. Thus, we invite you to steer the content and ask questions that you believe could help improve a dilemma you may be facing in your professional life – big or small.   In this episode, we hear from three anonymous individuals who are facing challenges in their work environment and offer outside perspective and advice to help guide them in their attempt to remedy the situation. We address how to approach a conflict in a team of intergenerational dynamics, discuss tactics you can employ to help overcome feeling burnt out or unmotivated, and give advice to an individual whose personal situation is inadvertently causing distress to her work life.    Thank you to those of