God Conversations With Tania Harris

(07) Is it Okay to Ask God for a Sign?



Growing up in church, we would make fun of Gideon. Everyone knew that this was a man who did not have enough faith. He kept asking God for signs or in his case, ‘fleeces’ to confirm what God had clearly asked him to do. I have since revisited that story and now I see it in a very different way. In this podcast, I am going to answer the question; 'Is it okay to ask God for a sign?' by looking carefully at Gideon’s story in Judges 6 and 7. It’s one of the few occasions that we get insight into an Old Testament character’s experience hearing the voice of God. We tend to think that the Bible characters had it easy; they simply heard God’s voice and confidently followed it. But in reading this account, it would seem that Gideon was a man just like us, stumbling along with his own fears and insecurities, unsure of what God sounds like and how he works in the world. We learn much from Gideon’s story! The first thing we notice in this account, is that God answers Gideon’s request for a sign. What does this tell u