God Conversations With Tania Harris

(02) A Christmas Message – Mary and God in Conversation



We read the story every year at Christmas time, but I wonder how it would have felt as a fourteen year-old girl to receive an impossible message from an angel in the middle of the night? One conversation between God and Mary initiated God’s plan for salvation of the world. One conversation changed everything. But, Why did God chose to speak to Mary? How did Mary know the message was from God?  What did God’s word mean for Mary’s life?  Listen to the God Conversations Christmas Message: Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! And a brief outline to sum up: 1. Listen Mary heard from God because her heart was positioned to listen. Her life was aligned to God’s purposes and she was ready to follow him wherever he led. They key to hearing from God is to actively listen, not just with our ears, but with our hearts. 2. Test We are told to ‘test the spirits to see if they are from God’ (1 John 4:1). It’s an instruction we’re given for every message we receive and one tha